134.2khz ear tag

134.2khz ear tag

The ear tag is one of the signs of the bull, which is used to prove the identity of the bull, carry the information of each bull, and apply it to the ear of the bull. Built-in chip and antenna, coded information is stored in the chip, to achieve non-contact, long-distance, automatic upload, readable and writable and other features.

The chip of the RFID chip is marked with a 15-digit code (a 3-digit country identification code and a unique 12-digit animal serial number), for example, 982 123456789012 is an Australian export animal, and 990 123456789012 is our Chinese animal code.

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RW1990 Ibutton TM Card

RW1990 Ibutton TM Card

Affixed to a key fob, an iButton device can grant its owner access to a cabinet, a piece of equipment, or even a building. The iButton device can also be used as an electronic asset tag to store information.

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